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Baby Food . Lifestyle . Creativity


I love to cook and I in particular I love healthy food and fresh ingredients. I like food as little processed as possible, prepared with natural ingredients. Cooking is the most intimate things you can do for someone, in my opinion. Basically you create something so special with your own hands for dear people, you invest time, energy, you put your soul in it. Even more, the satisfaction you get when you see that your food gathers people, brings joy and happiness, is priceless. Besides, when I cook I feel like escaping from everyday life, I put my imagination and patience to the test. Cooking made me more organized, more careful and more efficient.


I started cooking, nearly 15 years ago, when in my first year of college, because I had to. It all started in the first exam session. I was studying with a friend, sometimes at her place (she was living with her parents), sometimes at my place (I was living alone). When at my friend’s home, her mom was cooking. Then, at my place, I had to put on the apron. One day, her mother put a hunk of pork loin in my hands and told me “to cook it in the oven with a little thyme”. I had no idea how to manage that task back then but in the end I cooked the best pork I’ve had until then. That gave me courage and confidence so I took cooking very serously from then on.

Being a little girl I always helped my mother in the kitchen so I had some culinary experiences, but making a hole meal by myself gave me a whole other level of satisfaction. When helping my mom I was always attending to something: make mayonnaise, flipping the pancakes. I remember exactly what the consistency of a cream, dough or soup mus be. That helped me tremendously!

Later I discovered Jaimie Oliver, who made cooking seem so natural, fast, tasty and fun. And after him many others. So I started to cook every day, almost without exception, either by recipe or improvising with the ingredients I had available in my fridge. I cooked for me and my husband, for my family, for my friends and recently for my little boy.
Once my baby got to eating solids I rediscovered the value of each ingredient separately, the texture, taste, color and the way they combine with each other. I realized the importance of involving my kid in the process of cooking and I applied successfully the principles of BLW (Baby-Led weaning).
It was one of the best decisions we made. Our life got much easier and more relaxed. That was the starting point for this blog, which wants to be an inspiration for parents and families who want to follow the BLW principles and eat good, healty food.

I also addresses other subjects that go hand in hand with BLW: parenting, healthy lifestyle, balanced diet, travel and educational activities for children. I support 100% “natural parenting”, the respect for the child, co-sleeping and bed sharing, breastfeeding, baby wearing, raising children in the spirit of Montessori.

Please note that I have no culinary, nutritional or medical training. I am an architect, which probably helped me with my platings. I offer my cooking experience, my love for food, my cuisine knowledge from stacks and stacks of cookbooks and magazines, blogs and traveling. I learn new things every day and I am eager to apply them, to test them and to share them with fellow cooks.

“The relationship between your child and food, like any other relationship, builds from babyhood.
Having a healthy foundation gives your child better chances to develop balanced and healthy eating habits.”

semnatura mamamag





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